Thursday, April 18, 2013

Help for error 1719

Problems with installing software can produce an error 1719.  The error 1719 is not a serious issue and can be resolved easily.  This article provides a few solutions to fix the error. 

Solution 1: Login

When installing software on your hard drive, it is not always necessary, but it is a good idea to log in under administrator, rather than a normal user.  Some software needs special permissions settings in order to install properly which are found under the administrator login.  So, when installing software, if you are receiving an error 1719, the first thing to do is shut down your system and log in as an administrator. Then, install the new software.  


Solution 2: Installer Settings

If the logging in as an administrator did not solve the error, you could be having issue with the installer’s settings.  Here are a couple of settings to check in the installer. 

1.    Navigate to the Control Panel / System and Security / Administrative Tools / Services

2.    In Services, select Windows Installer and make sure it is already Started.  If it is not started, you can right click to start it.

3.    Make sure the startup type is set as Automatic.

4.    Once you have checked and adjusted the settings, restart the computer. 

Solution 3: Operating System Repair

Once you have logged in as an administrator and have checked your installer settings and are still receiving an error, the next solution is to run a repair utility on your hard drive.  Repair Utilities are easy to use and not only will fix the problem causing the error; it will also improve the overall performance of your computer.  The easy to follow steps will guide you through this option.

1.    Search for a repair utility online and pick a reputable site from the results.

2.    The site will have a link to click to download the repair utility and will also include simple instructions to help with the download.

3.    After the file is downloaded, it may automatically open to the installer.  If not, locate the file you downloaded and double click it to start the installer.

4.    Follow the simple instructions in the installer and then restart the computer.

5.    Open the utility and perform a scan on your computer.  If it finds problems, select repair.  After the program finishes running, restart your computer once again. 

Having problems installing software isn’t fun, but it’s not hard to fix either.  One of the easy solutions provided should help resolve the error.  Take time to review the information, then you will know how to fix the error 1719 problem.

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